                                                       social engg. 

 Social Engineering:-

Social Engg. is non- technical  method that someone use to make tricky question in front of his victim so that victim can speak out or give hints about sensitive and crucial information.

sometimes we met people who feels so comfortable to us and we tell them crucial and trustworthy information. these people are social engineers who interact to fool others in order to know sensitive information or break security procedure through non technical means as this can't be traced.

Recent example of successful social engineer is Mr. Neerav Bhaddal who succeeded to fool MD of Lenovo on phone call for technical assistance and got his personal hotmail account password.

Shoulder surfing and cookie steeling:-
shoulder surfing is most widely used method when we want to hack someone's account who is very close to us and usually open his account in front of us. We secretly notice them while they enter password.It genearlly takes place in offices, homes and schools.

Cookie Stealing is also a common method. We know that cookies are files stored into client's browser every-time when we connect to particular site and these cookies are kept with a validity on  client' s pc with some information. This information authenticates that client on www with that site. Now if we steal victim's cookie and inject it in ours than we get the victim's identity for webserver and need not to enter password.

Keylogger:- we generally know about keylogger software which keeps history of keystrokes of a session.Today many keyloggers are coming with some advance features like :-
1. invisible keyloggers
2.monitor all programs
3.automatically starts and not listed anywhere
4.capture screenshots
5. Chat and IM recording
6.microphone logging

Here is keylogger with free trial  download all in one key logger now

Now thing is how can you use it for hacking some ones account. It is also social engineering power. you have to make them use your computer and leave keystrokes or secretly you can install it on victim pc and later on check  his typed keystrokes

 USB:- I have written article on USB hacking, avilable softwares you can put into your USB drive and put into victim's computer to hack and get access.

To learn how to hack email or someone's computer through USB read How to Hack Computer with USB

Sniff the network:-
You can sniff the network by various available sniffers. I have already discussed a demo on network sniffing where you can easily
get sensitive information about victims on your network like website they are surfing, accounts in use , content they are enjoying and also their passwords.


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